
Sailing at RPEYC

Since formation in 1922, the Royal Prince Edward Yacht Club has a rich history in sailing. The RPEYC offers members the opportunity to participate in many forms of racing and sailing on Sydney Harbour.

Wednesday Afternoon Racing
PLEASE NOTE: RPEYC Wednesday racing commences 9 October 2024

The popular RPEYC Wednesday racing has been a feature of Sydney yachting for over 50 years. On average, some 50 yachts jostle in front of the clubhouse on a Wednesday afternoon between the Clubhouse and Shark Island during the summer to participate in this popular passage race around the harbour.

Weekend Racing
The RPEYC shares an extensive program of Saturday and Sunday summer racing in conjunction with the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron.

Click on the link to access the RSYS website for details of the Spring/Summer Saturday Series, the One Design Series and the Mini Regatta Series including Notices of Race and Sailing Instructions:

Please also note the Appendices tab. Check for updates of these series via the same link.

Skiff Boats
The RPEYC has a small but robust laser fleet, sailing local and international events. Members are strongly encouraged to participate with this energetic group of keen yachtsmen – there is no substitute for fitness and skill in this one-design class.
Race Management
The RPEYC is highly regarded for the professional race management services provided to Sydney Harbour racing. The RPEYC Race Management volunteers officiate for selected major regattas and other yacht club races. New volunteers are always welcome to participate in this important component of sailing life at the Edwards. If you have some spare time, becoming a Race Volunteer is a great way to learn new things, meet new friends and spend time on the harbour. Please contact for more information.


Series Details: Notices of Races & Sailing Instructions

Racing Archives

Please click to access race results from the following past races:

  • Wednesday Summer Series
  • Summer Sunday Series
  • Women on Water Regatta
  • Couta Boats
  • Centenary Regatta 16 November 2022
  • SHCC Winter Series